Referring a Patient to ACUTE
Now more than ever, inpatient medical stabilization offers a safe treatment option for patients with life-threatening medical complications from an eating disorder or severe malnutrition. As the only dedicated medical telemetry unit of its kind, ACUTE has an unmatched ability to safely transport patients via air ambulance, practice social distancing, protect patient safety and control infection in our private patient rooms and private hospital-based unit. Additionally, ACUTE bills insurance under the patient’s medical benefit.

Coordinating Patient Travel
We make admitting to ACUTE as simple as possible for your patient. Our admissions team facilitates all logistics of patient travel needs, including arranging air ambulance transport for patients requiring urgent medical transport. In partnership with two industry-leading air ambulance providers, highly-trained critical care teams provide bedside-to-bedside transfers on medically configured aircraft to ensure safe, comfortable domestic or international air travel to ACUTE’s unit in Denver, Colorado.
Warm Handoff Referrals for Residential Treatment Centers
During an initial assessment of care for admission to IP/RES/PHP/IOP programming, should your admissions team determine that a client is in need of medical stabilization, ACUTE requests that the referring program initiate a 3-way phone call between the referring program, the potential patient and the ACUTE admissions team at: 877-228-8348. By facilitating the warm handoff via 3-way call:
- The patient has a greater likelihood of seeking and admitting to medical stabilization
- The ACUTE admissions team can track the referral journey to make sure the patient transitions back to the referring program, once medically stabilized
Is my patient appropriate for care at ACUTE?