Stay up to date with the latest ACUTE media coverage, including interviews with our staff, statements from our providers and other media mentions.
Media Coverage
7 Signs Your Healthy Eating Obsession Might Actually Be Orthorexia
June 29, 2021
Jeana Cost was interviewed in this article about the warning signs of orthorexia
Media Coverage
Self-care for Nurses: 6 Strategies to Maintain Your Mental Health
May 3, 2021
Nurse Manager Krista Hovde, RN, provided advice for nurses to practice self-care to maintain their own mental health.
Media Coverage
Fox 31 Denver
Denver doctors trying to ‘wrap their heads around’ surge in eating disorders among area teens
May 6, 2021
Jeana Cost, MS, LPC, CEDS, Vice President of Operations and Clinical Services at ACUTE, spoke with Fox 31 Denver about the recent surge in eating disorders in young people.
Media Coverage
Anorexia nervosa: Our health care colleagues are starving amid COVID-19 pandemic
March 22, 2021
Dr. Mehler contributed this article on about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting anorexia rates, and the increase of healthcare providers seeking care from ACUTE over the last year.
Press Release
We are Now ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders & Severe Malnutrition
March 30, 2021
New look. New website. New service line. Same Center of Excellence delivering unmatched care for the most medically vulnerable patients.
Media Coverage
Choose PT
Value of Physical Therapy in Addressing the Life-Limiting Effects of Eating Disorders
December 3, 2020
Nicole Sobotka was interviewed about the value of physical therapy in the treatment of eating disorders in this article published on Choose PT
Media Coverage
The Doctor Weighs In
Medical Management of Severe Eating Disorders
December 1, 2020
Dr. Mehler authored this article for The Doctor Weighs In about medical complications of eating disorders and how they can be managed
Media Coverage
The Denver Channel
More health care workers are suffering from eating disorders amid pandemic
November 11, 2020
Dr. Mehler was interviewed by The Denver Channel for their story on how the pandemic is affecting healthcare workers
Media Coverage
VeryWell Mind
Virtual Reality May Boost Success of Eating Disorder Telehealth Treatment
December 3, 2020
Jeana Cost was interviewed about virtual care for eating disorders and body image distortion in this article for VeryWell Mind
Media Coverage
The Denver Channel
Serious eating disorder cases rising, according to medical transport team
July 7, 2020
During COVID-19, an increased number of patients have been admitted to ACUTE, with emergency air ambulance transport from Angel Med Flight.