Cindy Lee: Mid-life Changes led to my Eating Disorder, ACUTE Saved Me
As I approached menopause, my depression worsened, I stopped taking care of myself and my life spiraled out of control. Additionally, my marriage was falling apart resulting in separation and divorce. As my depression increased, I stopped eating and my weight became dangerously low. I eventually reached out to a residential treatment center and was told they could not help me. They referred me to ACUTE and said they were my only option because ACUTE is the only place in the country that would be able to help me considering my low my weight and how medically fragile I had become.
The staff at ACUTE were amazing! They were so comforting and made me feel special and like I deserved to live. Even when things became difficult in treatment, I was treated with patience and compassion. It was clear they genuinely cared about me and would do whatever it took to help me recover and have a safe and fulfilling life.
After stepping down from ACUTE, I continued and completed my eating disorder care at lower levels of care. My weight has remained stable, and I feel confident and happily in recovery. I have gotten to a point where I feel no shame or embarrassment for what I’ve been through, and I am trying to help advocate for others to get the care they need.
Thank you to the staff at ACUTE, from the bottom of my heart, for saving my life
Cindy L.